New Year, News from the CEO

A Message From Michael
2019 was a year of transitions for everyone here at VRM... and I think our clients as well. With Pete and Jennifer retired, transitioning to the Inhabit family, and learning how to work within our new “corporate world” presented unique challenges and rewards. These transitions have taken a lot of time and focus, which unfortunately has taken attention away from our core competencies as your vacation rental software company.
I am happy to say, that for the most part, the transition is complete. 2020 is going to be a fantastic year for VRM.
The management team here at VRM had a mini-retreat after our November User Session in Orlando. We came together and really talked about our goals for 2020 and how we want to proceed going forward. We all talked about wanting to get back to doing what we do best.
Core software, tight partner integrations that bring real value to our products and our clients, and what we love best... taking care of our clients. We also want to grow. Bringing on new clients that really fit our idea of the ideal client is a high priority. Clients like you, that want to work with us to better their company and our software & services.
Software Enhancement & Services
VRM is focusing hard this year, not only delivering terrific customer service, but also in delivering meaningful enhancements to our software and services. We are excited about the things in our development roadmap, but we want you to be excited about them as well. We are going to start publishing our roadmap to show you what is in development, what is in testing, beta testing, and what’s been released. So, keep an eye out for information on where and how you can access this information.
The New Help Button

Have you see the new "Learn" button?! Alongside the Status and Help buttons in the upper right area of the Admin Console dashboard, the new Learn button takes you to our VRMUniversity Help Center. Currently, it does require a login but, GOOD NEWS... it’s the same login you use to log into the VRM Admin Console.
In a subsequent update, we will have this integrated so that logging into the Admin Console logs you into the Help Center as well. Don’t forget, your client code can be found in the lower left corner in your Admin Console Dashboard. All upcoming functionality will have “How to” articles and/or videos showing the new functionality.
We are continuing to build out content for our regular stuff as well. Along with best practices, Quick Helps (look for the blue circle/question mark symbol in the Admin Console), the Developer’s Roadmap, and our upcoming Partners/Integrations page. The VRMU Help Center will be a useful “Go To” tool for sure... enhancing the use of your vacation rental software.
2020 Trade Shows
I’ve recently been asked, “What trade shows will VRM attend this year?”. Right now, our plans are to limit our shows this year to just the VRMA Spring Forum (Chicago) and VRMA International show (Orlando). I’ve been asked to sit on the VRMA Supplier Advisory Council, and I am looking forward to serving on that council and bringing you any and all news as I find it out.
In addition to these events we are also going to hold our VRMUniverstiy Live User Sessions in Charleston, SC this year. Stay tuned for the official date announcement.
NPS Surveys
Some of you have already participated in our corporate company’s quarterly NPS surveys , and we asked that you continue to do so. We encourage everyone to participate and give them/us your feedback in what we are doing well and in what areas we can do better.
Our New National Sales Manager
Many of you have already spoken with our newest team member and National Sales Manager, Michael Kim. He’s a wonderful edition to our VRM team with experience in the industry. He’ll be reaching out to introduce himself and get to know you. Something that we have never done is hold an annual Business Reviews with each of our clients. This is something that we are going to start doing... and we will get better as time goes on. We want to make sure that you are getting the information we need to get out, that you are using everything you want and can in VRM to the fullest of it capabilities, and to make sure you are getting the best of us that you can.
2020... A Great Year in the Making
We want 2020 to be a year of growth and prosperity for you as well as for VRM. I believe that together we will make this happen.
From the pen of Michael Hill, CEO @ Virtual Resort Manager (VRM)