Virtual Resort Manager has partnered with Constant Contact to bring you an easy, effective, and highly affordable way to get your message out to your customers. With more than 400 easily-customized templates, a simple point-and-click tool, and award-winning free customer support, you can create professional, compelling messages your audience will act on. We make managing your contact lists, gaining website visitor sign ups, tracking your clicks and open rates, and sending automated communications to new subscribers easy. If you don’t have time for all of that, we can help there too! We offer packages for professionally designed email campaigns that get opened a minimum of 10% higher than industry standard, and convert subscribers to buyers!
When you sign up for one of VRM’s email marketing packages you will get:
- Constant Contact account set up
- Monthly email list importing
- Custom web signup form added to your site
- Custom designed newsletters
- Custom designed mid month blasts
- Monthly statistics reporting
Learn more about Constant Contact and sign up through our Constant Contact partner website.