How to Write a Fantastic Series That Will Make People Fall in Love with Your Blog

Do you offer your clients more than amazing vacation rental properties? Of course you do. And as your vacation rental software company, we offer more than just software!
In our ever continuing endeavor to help your company reach it's full potential, we are offering you FREE marketing advice about blogging. For many of you, however, BLOG is a four letter word. "What do you write about? Where do I get images for my blog? Who is going to write the blog? How do I get people to look at my blog?" Those are all great questions that we have the answer to.
One great way to take your blog from boring to booming is to run a blog series. Today we are going to help you map out several great blog series ideas for your vacation rental management company. We are also going to give you ACTUAL blog titles that you can use for your business.
Are you ready to make your guests (and potential guests) fall in love with your blog? Keep reading....
Why You Should Write a Blog Series
Blogging, in it's most basic form, is a short article that is specific to your brand and has a specific voice for your audience. There are many details that can go into a blog post, but please don't let that overwhelm you.
A single blog post is a great way to engage with your guests about everything from local events to what they can expect when renting a vacation home with you. Whether you blog about the best Summer recipes or amazing Fall fishing, there is literally an endless supply of ideas for blog posts.
Creating a blog series is an excellent marketing strategy for increasing engagement and reader retention. By letting your reader know that they can get more information about the same topic, they will be more inclined to come back to your website to read more.
When writing a good blog series, you will want each blog post to be able to stand alone as its own piece of content, but also seamlessly connect with the other blogs in the series.
Blog Series Ideas For You To Use
Step One
Have a brainstorming session with your team to come up with a list of blog topic ideas. It would also be a great idea to have a designated place where members of your team can leave their ideas for future blog topics. A reservationist may have a conversation with a guest that generates a fantastic blog topic. Find a way to capture those ideas!!
Step Two
Take the topic ideas from your brainstorming session and organize them into categories.
Step Three
Pick three (or more) topics from one category to create a blog series.
See the ideas below that you can use for your blog!
Category: Frequently Asked Questions Answered
1. 5 Reasons You Need Travel Insurance
2. Do You Like Savings Money? Vacation Rentals vs. Hotels
3. What To Expect When Staying at a Vacation Rental
4. How to Have a Pet Friendly Vacation
5. 10 Great Local Favorite Things to Do
6. Where to Get Great Food: Grocery Stores, Restaurants, and More
Category: Planning a Beach Vacation with Kids
1. How to Find the Perfect Family Friendly Vacation Rental
2. 10 Beach Activities Your Kids Will Love
3. 6 Kid-Friendly Area Restaurants That You Must Try
4. Top Ten Most Frequently Forgotten Vacation Items
5. How to Have a Successful Car Trip with Your Child
6. Pack the Perfect Beach Bag

Category: Meal Planning for Vacations
1. The Best Local Eats Your Won't Want to Miss
2. How to Plan Your Vacation Meals Your Family Will Love
3. How to Pack the Perfect Beach Cooler
4. Meal Prep in a Rental Kitchen Made Easy (what to bring from home)
5. Car Travel Snack/Meals
6. Summer Recipes That Are Perfect for Your Vacation
Why You Should Be Blogging
A Few More Blog Series Tips
1. Be sure to link to the other individual blog posts within a series.
2. Try to find a way to link to specific properties within your blog.
3. Use keywords in a natural way, being sure to include them within the first paragraph of each blog.
4. Use social media to ask your audience what they would like you to write about.
5. If eligible, get the latest CMS update from VRM for your blog. This update is packed full of easy to use drag and drop blocks for you to build an incredible blog layout. If you have questions about the CMS update, you can email [email protected].
Access to World Class Marketing
If diving into blogging isn't something that your company wants to handle in-house, then VRM can help! Below you will find two ways to connect with the VRM Marketing Team.

VRM Marketing Services
Contact our marketing professionals today to get a quote on SEO, blogging, social media marketing, email marketing, or reputation management.
We take great pride in creating brand consistency, increased guest acquisition and retention, along with ROI!
VRM Marketing Services are exclusive to VRM software clients.
VRM-U LIVE, Wilmington
Take the opportunity to meet a few of our Marketing Department team members at the upcoming VRM-U LIVE event in Wilmington, NC on April 26, 2018.
This is your chance to learn more and gather information, from face-to-face interaction with VRM staff.

Now that you are armed with the "how-to's" of creating a blog series, it is time to get to writing! We wish you great success on your blogging adventure, and we hope that you will let us know when you get your first series posted.

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